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Grass tree time.

Grass trees (Xanthorrhoea). We love them! And they are in bloom at the moment. Local areas that were burnt during the cooler months are...

Glenelg River flooding

It’s always a bit exciting when the river comes up. This year it just snuck into the front garden.


The stags have dropped their hard antler and are growing a new set. This stage of growth is called velvet. And it really is as soft as it...

It's boggy!

The winter and spring have been so drawn out and everything is wet. Including the paddocks.

Time to process meat

With the end of spring comes the time to process animals to the freezer ready for the coming six months. A newly installed (donated)...

The versatile Black wattle

We use black wattle (acaia meansii) as the tanning agent for hides. It’s a pretty amazing tree. Well known to Traditional Owners for a...

New wetlands get tick of approval

The new wetlands are proving a hit with plenty of visits from waterbirds. Chestnut Teal in the right light are stunning…brolgas are...

Lambs are a laugh

Lambs are hitting the ground. Their antics a cause of much laughter.

Gang-gang nest season

This gang-gang (and female partner) have nested in this tree before. He’s just investigating at the moment so we’ll just wait and see if...

A much bigger power supply

We are planning to start moving away from internal combustion engines (there’s about 25 petrol and diesel engines on farm) and replace...

A new use for antler

We love home made pasta. Here’s a kooky idea for a pasta drying rack.

Petrol out electric in

Out with the old and in with the new. Not only is the new bike nearly free of maintenance and a lot of fun, because it has 2WD it is so...

It's the 'Rut'

Each year during the deer mating season (the ‘Rut’) we get visits from feral deer wanting to fight ours. They cause a lot of damage to...

Vegies galore

That time of year when harvesting becomes a daily task.


The hops are almost ready for harvest. We love these plants (we have 4 varieties), not just for their beer flavouring but they grow from...

The suns out

We don’t see these guys too often but it’s always a treat to see them sunning themselves on a post.

Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos

The yellow tails don’t seem as common these days but we do get them in the garden when the hakea is ripe. This one is the only hakea for...

Fruit time.

The fruit is ripe and it’s time to bottle.

Merry Christmas

It’s always great to get a visit from these guys.

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