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Our vegie garden

Our vegetable garden is based on permaculture design. The whole garden is divided into four quarters with the chicken house in the...

Grass cutting season

We reduce a lot of cost and labour by not fertilising, nor cutting hay. Instead, we have very low stocking rates and slash the grass to...

It's calving time for deer

So pretty! We farm red deer so they are named stags, hinds and calves (fallow deer are bucks, does and fawns). When they're young red...

The cheese doesn't stop

Donna is flat out keeping up with our friends milking cow. 18 rounds of parmesan so far and even some butter (soooo beautiful). Donna...

Birds are breeding

And we can hear the calls all day long! The sacred kingfisher has a very strong "dec dec dec" call. This poor fella banged his head on...

The skins keep coming.

Tim started with a backlog of skins and has been harvesting more skins recently so there's plenty to be getting on with. The skins are...

Gang Gang nesting by the shed

How lucky! A Gang Gang nest just 25 meters from Tim's shed. The zoom shot was from when they were investigating and preparing the nest...

Grass Trees flowering

One of our most favourite plants, the Xanthorrhoea. We have two types around here, X. minor, (below) and australis.

Abandoned lambs

It's not so unusual that when there are twins, the mother can lose count and forget that one of them exists! This lamb was abandoned...


It seems to have been very late coming this year but the birds and beasts are going off now. This echidna was in the front garden...

Mushrooming season extended.

One thing about the late season is that we are still mushrooming. This week we gathered (with help from mushroom friend Ben) some...

Feeding the Christmas cakes

Each year, starting in September, Donna gets the Christmas cakes going. Baking is just the first stage. They must be fed brandy regularly...

Lambs are dropping.

Spring! Our Dorpers are having lambs. This is the first time we've had a black one. This lamb was still wet when we took the photo. Soooo...

Cheese making is back.

After a long break, Donna is back into the cheese making! Our friend Jo loves milking her Jersey cow Maybell and Donna loves turning it...

Entrance posts at last!

It was about 17 years ago that we harvested these logs. Some of that time was spent buried to minimise splitting while drying. But a lot...

Native nursery in full swing

We regularly grow a few hundred local natives including prickly and woolly tea-trees, paperbark, sheoak and stringybark to add to our...

Tim's in the SA Gallery!

Tim was commissioned in 2020 to manufacture just five pairs of redgum handbag handles as part of a collaboration between Art Gallery...

New wetland a success!

Last year we created a new wetland of about 1ha. With both Brolga and Spoonbill visiting (at the same time even) and an array of ducks...

Fruit trees fruiting.

The orchard has bloomed and the fruit is emerging. Time to put up Tim's kooky bird netting.

Blog: Blog2
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